Race Reports & Racer Stories

In this series we bring you the Racer Stories of exceptional athletes who run fast with smarts and heart.

Racer Story: Dominick Layfield's Canyons 100 Mile Race Report

Interview Ryan Eiler: 3d American, 15th overall 2024 Boston Marathon

Ben David's Philly Marathon Story Article

Marcel Krebs UTMB OCC 2023 Race Report and why Chamonix is such a magic place! Article

Mike Postaksi's Racer StoryHow to Run 123.74 miles on trail in 24 Hours (and win)- the experience, racing details, gear, & shoes

Mike Postaski's Wilson Creek Frozen 50K  Race and Gear Report: Brooks Catamount 2 for the Win! Stryd race data analysis.

Mike Postaski's IMTUF 100 (Idaho) Race Report: 1st Place and sub 24 hours.

Dom Layfield's 2002 Angeles Crest 100 Race Report

Mike Postaski Wins Standhope100 Mile-Race Report, Gear, Nutrition, Shoe Article

Race Reports: Dom Layfield and Mike Postaski at The Canyons by UTMB 100K 

Race Report: Joost's Long Road from NYC 2019 to the 2022 Boston Marathon

Jeff Beck's McDowell Mountain Frenzy 50 Mile Race Report: The Two Hardest Days of My Life
Joost de Raeymaeker Goes All in to Marathon Majors Age Group Gold!
Sally Reiley's NYC Marathon Racer Story: The Road to an Age Group Podium and PR at The World's Biggest Marathon!

Inside the Hoka One One Project Carbon X: Jamie Hershfang's World Record Setting 10 x 10 K Race Report and Carbon X Review
John Shaw's Racer Story: The Unexpected Journey from Coach Potato to World Records!

A World Record Racer Story: Camille Herron's Journey to the 100 Mile World Record. In depth- the training, science, and drive to the record

Racer Stories: Racing Fast While Doing Good. Sally Reiley Runs Her 5th Sub 3:38 Marathon in Chicago, All in Her 6th Decade

Racer Stories: Just Shy of 50, Joost De Raeymaeker Runs a PR 2:29:03 Marathon in Berlin. He tells us how he did it. And yes the Nike Zoom Vapor Fly 4% was in the Mix