Article by Dominick Layfield
UTMB 2018
For those of you who don’t follow ultrarunning obsessively. UTMB = Ultimate Tour of Mont Blanc. A race that does a long (~170 km/106 miles), hilly (~10000 m/30,000 ft gain) loop around Mont Blanc, starting in Chamonix, France, and running though Italy and Switzerland before returning to France. It’s a huge race, with ~2600 entrants. There are longer races, and there are hillier races, but nothing matches the prestige and excitement around UTMB.
After last year’s debacle (in which I got pulled by the race medics), my goal for UTMB 2018 was specifically, unambiguously, to finish the race. I told myself that I wouldn’t pay any attention to time or position.
Naturally, as soon as the race started, I started to imagine a stunning performance that would stand in stark conflict with my meager training and unfocussed preparation. But I was quickly and rudely brought down to reality. From the start, my heart rate was too high, my pace too slow, and my body out of sorts. My quads felt shot on the first downhill. It was immediately clear that if I kept pushing, I would guarantee a repeat of last year’s DNF.
So on to plan B -- which was really the original plan A -- Take it easy and enjoy the race. And to cut a 27-hour story short, that’s pretty much what happened. I had a phenomenal time, ran with a smile on my face, and finished 50th. Hoorah!
Obligatory photo from race check-in, on Thursday.
Things I learned (or re-learned) at this year’s UTMB: